
04/11/2010 at 11:17 AM (Rants) (, )

Ardol, on Blog Azeroth’s Shared Topics, suggested writing about favorites. He said it didn’t have to be WoW related if we didn’t want it to be. That it was a ‘get to know you’ type set up. So I took a couple days to think and decided what better than to write about my other true passions: books and writing.

Other than blogging, I am an avid writer of a variety of Prose and some poetry. I have a lot of my stuff posted on DeviantArt, though not all of it because I do intend to get something published someday. Some of my favorite things to write are short stories based on historical figures such as Vlad the Imapler, Jack the Ripper and Elizabeth Bathory (all three links lead to stories I have written about said figure). Don’t ask me why the serial killers of the past fascinate me; I couldn’t tell you. But, if you read the stories, you will find that I take not only historical facts into my stories, but a hint of fantasy. I take the rumors spread about the figures from the past and turn them to truth in my stories. /shrug It’s fun.

Aside from horrorish writing, I enjoy fanfiction (perhaps the reason I enjoy being on an RP server so much?) and novels. My novels tend to take place in worlds I have created but have a basic Medieval setting. My writing is, in fact, greatly influenced by playing Dungeons and Dragons for almost three years. It is also greatly influenced by my favorite books or series of books.

Authors such as Patricia Briggs, Brent Weeks, Laurell K Hamilton and Carol Berg catch my fancy rather often. I follow, or have followed, at least one series or another by them. Recently I read a series by Gail Z. Martin which influenced a change in PoV of one of my own novels. Karen Miller is another author I have read recently as well (much easier to list authors than books when you can read four 600+ pages books in less than a month). I also find books about Ghost Hunting fascinating. Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, the founders of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) have written two books so far and I finished the second, Seeking Spirits, in a day. Clearly I am quite the book worm.

Well, the subject was to write about my favorites. I didn’t make a list, but I managed to get some examples out for you. Writing and reading consumes a good portion of my life. Even in school I enjoy the assigned reading as well as writing essays. But these are my favorites, and a part of who I am.

How about you? Write an entry about your favorite something, tell us more about you!

Until next time!




  1. Amelia said,

    Wow! That is a really impressive amount of reading… I just graduated from UC Berkeley in December with a degree in Comparative Literature and I don’t think I ever read that much in one month =P I tend to take my books slowly and one at a time (well actually, three at a time – one fiction, one non-fiction, and one volume of poetry).

    I enjoyed browsing your deviantart page (I’m always so impressed when someone is both visually and linguistically talented) and I’m looking forward to reading some of those stories you’ve posted… have you heard the song “Jack the Ripper” by Morissey, covered by AFI? That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the link… though I don’t know if it actually has to do with Jack the Ripper as a historical figure…

    I’m not sure if we’ve met yet in-game, but I’m Ameilia on the Argent Dawn realm in Single Abstract Noun. I haven’t been playing WoW for very long, but being in SAN inspired me to start posting chapters of my fantasy novel, which stars Amelia as a character. I couldn’t help but eye your Night Elf hunter alt, because not only does she look pretty in that outfit you posted of her, but there is a character in my novel that is, essentially, an elven huntress. You just might find me hounding you down in-game to pose for me sometime =P

    Until then, feel free to send me a tell anytime you’re online! My only character is Ameilia who is a level 38 warrior. I’m glad I found your blog! I look forward to reading more from you – especially if you would be willing to show me some bits of your novels! The one I am blogging is currently my only one and I feel like I have soooo much work to do before I could dare call it ‘complete’.

    Best wishes,


  2. Amelia said,

    I just realized you have some prose on your deviantart as well… though I’m having a little trouble navigating the site =P Is there an easy way to access the first chapters of what you have posted on there? I’m sure I’ll figure it out – I apologize for my newbie-ness =P

  3. Kainda said,

    Wow, I almost feel like I have a fan ;-P

    I deleted my novels off the site, but if you would like to read my massive amount of Harry Potter fanfiction or any of my short stories and poems, there are little folders to the left of the page. Just click one that looks mildly interesting to you and it will open to the stories or chapters categorized within.

    I wouldn’t mind H being in your story at all 🙂 She’s my second hunter and I really am just messing around with her and learning my way around the alliance side. I have seen you on SAN once in a while but I tend to only talk to people who have spoken to me first. I will def chat it up with you, now, though.

    If you are interested in my novels and would like to become one of my ‘private editors’ lol I am more than willing to add you to the list. Just drop me an email (FantasieAutor@gmail.com) and whenever I get the chapters written/re-written it will be sent to you along with the rest of the people who volunteered 🙂

    Thanks for your interest in both my personal writing and my blog!



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